Hey guys, I will be telling you guys about my trip to Cherating, Kuantan in the early days of the school holidays with my cousins and relatives which made the trip increasingly more fun.
Sea and Sand
3 of my relatives families were with us on our trip in Cherating, including my cousins full of fun, my lovely relatives and such. The hotel didn't give good service, which was honestly and quite bad of me to be expected. The beach waters were no clear, even with goggles on, I can't see anything but dark green in the water. The seashells however are quite nice, my cousins and I found a good number of cool seashells to be brought home, and they also found some live clams, which I really didn't wanna keep and it kinda made my hair stand when I held one. This is a cruel cruel world, I thought. The sand was really soft and tender, it was like light yellow pillows all around our feet. Other beaches I have been too have dark yellow rough sand, that it didn't felt as comfy as this beach.
We went to a turtle museum, which contains all about the marine life, like seashells, marine animals and the main star, turtles. It's also called a turtle museum because they only kept live turtles, huge, tiny and majestic ones. Which wasn't really impress to me, but still it was okay and at least we saw live turtles. After that we went to another beach, just to for looks on how different was it to ours, and of course there is more crowded, because there are popular restaurants and cafes around, and it is a wind blowing factory. Kites were invading the empty light blue sky, so we decided to join in. It was a good experience for how easy it was to fly a kite, but it was honestly all reliant on the powerful wind.
That pretty much sums up that just satisfactory trip, and I hope you guys have a great week!
B+ for Bryan :3
B means a lot of things: 1.Believe in yourself :D 2. Behave like a good person :) 3. Believe in God. 4. Betray your friends not!(New post every (some Fridays..)Weekends, and holiday weekdays XD)If there is no pic for proof, USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!!!
What about me?

- B+ for Bryan
- I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
RIP Robin Williams/Updates and Upgrades
Well, Hello guys and gals, I got plentiful things to discuss and share, and update you guys what has been happening. So lately the infamous sad and tragic news, about the great comedian/actor Robin Williams has passed away due to a suspected suicide, which is unclear of because this happy and successful brought joy and happiness to many people including our childhood times, and he can eventually fall into such a deep state of depression. He really did great achievements in his life, making him truly memorable, making people cry both tears of joy and sorrow, create movies that will live long in our head. Shall this forever loved man, Robin William, rest in peace. (A Great Tribute to Robin Williams)
There is very outdated but still terrifying news, 4 airplanes so far have either crashed or went missing, which really make this year 2014, Not A Year for Flights. But I think that saying is crazily dumb, because If 2014 can do it 4 times, the future will still be at stake, or even worse. So Im quite terrified of riding airplanes now. Even scarier, I have a Sydney Trip this November. :O
I have been trying to be more social with people in school, and I want to be make more friends and show my old crazy self again, since this year I have been hiding under my thick shell long enough, And speaking of shells, I just watch TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES with my two best buddies, Jared and Yow Hue. It is a movie more for kids, not real grown up teenagers like us, but still it was a nice and fun movie to watch. And not only that, we played some pool and have a great time just hanging out.
Finally, after so many years, I got my own smartphone, which is the new and trending brand - Xiao Mi(Little Rice in Chinese Saying). A weird name but its a brand made from China, but the real brand logo is just MI, and I got the latest version, MI3. I didnt ask for any phone or anything, my dad just bought it last week and he didnt know what he could really use it for, since he already has a smartphone. So he just asked me if I wanted it, I honestly thought it was really cool, but I somehow wasnt ready for one. But then I was already 15 and Form 4, so I HAVE to be responsible with things. I also dont have to live under a rock anymore, with things that I'm always updated, like Whatsapp, Instagram just for more social media fun and stuff.
I also watched Performance Day in DPAC(Damansara Pac) that contains Drama, Vocal and Hip Hop, and it turned to be amazing :D. My friends were performing for Hip Hop, and I wanted to support them. I'm in Hip Hop class too, but I wasnt worthy enough to get picked to go on stage. :( But its okay, since we WILL have our chance during Appreciation Day this year, since its our last year to perform for Hip Hop. Form 5's cant dance for Hip Hop, but they sure can act for Drama.
My dad also bought a bicycle for me and my sister to learn and master, which at first I thought it was going to be tiring after school, and I just didnt feel to good about it. But it turned out to be pretty nice, and I actually got the hang of balancing the bicycle, so I can independently go for a spin if I want, and I can somehow release stress and have some deep thinking when Im riding the bike. Eventually, it will become a routine for my life right now.
I think I have shared everything, and I will update more things to come, anyways Have a great week y'all!
There is very outdated but still terrifying news, 4 airplanes so far have either crashed or went missing, which really make this year 2014, Not A Year for Flights. But I think that saying is crazily dumb, because If 2014 can do it 4 times, the future will still be at stake, or even worse. So Im quite terrified of riding airplanes now. Even scarier, I have a Sydney Trip this November. :O
I have been trying to be more social with people in school, and I want to be make more friends and show my old crazy self again, since this year I have been hiding under my thick shell long enough, And speaking of shells, I just watch TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES with my two best buddies, Jared and Yow Hue. It is a movie more for kids, not real grown up teenagers like us, but still it was a nice and fun movie to watch. And not only that, we played some pool and have a great time just hanging out.
Finally, after so many years, I got my own smartphone, which is the new and trending brand - Xiao Mi(Little Rice in Chinese Saying). A weird name but its a brand made from China, but the real brand logo is just MI, and I got the latest version, MI3. I didnt ask for any phone or anything, my dad just bought it last week and he didnt know what he could really use it for, since he already has a smartphone. So he just asked me if I wanted it, I honestly thought it was really cool, but I somehow wasnt ready for one. But then I was already 15 and Form 4, so I HAVE to be responsible with things. I also dont have to live under a rock anymore, with things that I'm always updated, like Whatsapp, Instagram just for more social media fun and stuff.
I also watched Performance Day in DPAC(Damansara Pac) that contains Drama, Vocal and Hip Hop, and it turned to be amazing :D. My friends were performing for Hip Hop, and I wanted to support them. I'm in Hip Hop class too, but I wasnt worthy enough to get picked to go on stage. :( But its okay, since we WILL have our chance during Appreciation Day this year, since its our last year to perform for Hip Hop. Form 5's cant dance for Hip Hop, but they sure can act for Drama.
My dad also bought a bicycle for me and my sister to learn and master, which at first I thought it was going to be tiring after school, and I just didnt feel to good about it. But it turned out to be pretty nice, and I actually got the hang of balancing the bicycle, so I can independently go for a spin if I want, and I can somehow release stress and have some deep thinking when Im riding the bike. Eventually, it will become a routine for my life right now.
I think I have shared everything, and I will update more things to come, anyways Have a great week y'all!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Curse of Term 2/The Start of Better Weekends?(Hanging out with my buddies!)
Hey guys, its been a long while since I posted any feedback of my life, but I think its time I explain why I didnt and what has been happening. So since July started, I had to prepare for my Term 2 exams, and it was really stressful for me, so I decided not to blog. But after the exams, I was devastated due to such failure I produced in the tests, and I started to think very negative results and consequences, then looking at the bright side like how great I did in my Add Maths Test, which is my most feared subject, but it was most satisfying test I did. I also thought that I was being over confident on some subjects like English, Maths and Economics, but I did bad for all 3 of the tests. I actually was really depressed at the first day of the exam week, because I thought I already failed my English test, because I didnt have enough time for even going half way of my second summary. I didnt fear Term 2 English test as much as the first one, because I thought 2 summaries were not that hard. But I guess I was too comfortable, and I only started to stress after 45 minutes of the test, and I ended up with 3 sentences on my 2nd summary, which really got me to shock, and I was going through tilt when preparing for the next paper, but Teacher Grace tried to lecture me and calm down which was really great of her, because I felt so much better.
My parents also told me to calm down and dont expect so much, and I really can do is, wait for the Term 3 and do better then, because there really use crying over spilled milk, or just being sad at what is already done, so we should just be happy and hope for the best next time. Why did I say it was a curse? Because the worst results I get every year is at Term 2, which I dont really know why, but I cant let that happen next year. So I really need to reclaim myself on the final tests during Term 3.
My two close friends, Jared and Jonathan invited me to hang out with them on Sunday, to watch the latest Transformers: Age of Extinction(Its a highly recommended movie even though its crazily 3 hours long) in Sunway Pyramid and hang out there, then we go to Sri Emas for the Theatre Showcase(It was amazing like every year) directed and acted by the Drama Team this year. The day was really great and that day tons of PTS(Pusat Tuisyen Sirius, my school) students were hanging out at Sunway, which was really coincidental and cool. After that, we hang out in Jonathan's house and eat dinner there, and just have a good chat with each other. But in our chats, Jared and Jon said they hang out 2 times a week, and said that I only hang out 2 times a year, which sadly very true, but i really want to change my weekends into something much better like that day. What I do mostly in my weekends is gaming, blogging, watching downloaded movies and just anti-social doings. Its not really enjoyable to just sit down in front of your computer, this goes the same to holidays. I think I should really make use of my free time and hang out more with my friends, so I get more productive and social, just making my youth a better time. I get really less enthusiasm whenever I come to school now, which have reasons that I rather keep to myself, but I really wish to change it. Besides that, everything is going on a right path now and I hope to keep it steady or accelerate. Anyways, have a wonderful week and ::POOF:: (another way in the internet to say goodbye!)
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Another BATTLEGROUND Experience! (Asian Battleground 2014)
Hey guys, I thought that last Saturday night was really great, because I got to watch Astro Battleground Grand Finals LIVE, in the Megastar Arena, and the team we supported was 'Fearless' gained VICTORY and won the finals. If you want to know more and mainly about that night, look at last week's post. I thought that was the end of Battleground and it was a bummer for how much I wanted to watch Fearless and S-Striker again in Battleground for how much vibe both teams gave me and everyone. Until somewhere around this week, my mom told me there was still another show on last Friday night, and that made jump as a high as a bunny(Excited), to see Fearless and S-Striker once more, but this time, its Asian Battleground, which then contains crews from a variety of different countries. (Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Philippines and here, Malaysia.) There was only 2 stages, First Stage was each teams performing their own unique style. There will be the Top 4 teams with the best styles then the final stage will be the Battle which will be always the final and most interesting one, which 2 different teams will be on stage to battle and take turns to dance for 30 seconds per team.
There were some interesting teams that I thought were going to the Top 4, but some of my personally lower rated teams were at the Top 4. This was Asian Battleground, so we definitely wanted the Malaysian Teams to help prove ourselves worthy, so no matter Fearless or S-Striker, we wanted either to win. Sadly, Fearless didnt do so well in the first stage, which is their style. It didnt create a feel for the people who saw the show last Saturday night, because both Fearless and S-Striker did the same dance for both nights for the start, because last week's first stage was the same, named "The Style". Fearless lost their confidence and energy during Friday night's battleground, and they even made one big obvious stunt fail, which was really disappointing to see. So they were ranked 8 out of the 14 groups. (It was a sad night) But luckily our hearts rise up really high, when S-Striker made it to Top 4 (Ranked No.4) which we still had hope in Malaysia. They also went into the Final 2 teams against Korea's Just Jerk Crew which got a lot of screams and cheers(consist 5 good looking Korean Boys, what do you think?). I was sure with my family and my friend that S-Stiker won the battle with more creativity and variety of dance moves, while Just Jerk did the same style and followed the beat well, but it soon became boring to watch. But the Just Jerk won the Asian Battleground, which me and my friend just poker faced each other, and it was a sadder night after that. After seeing Fearless going so down hill, we really thought faith would come by. By its still a decision by the judges, which we cannot change, even if we thought S-Striker would win in our hearts.
That is a basic summary of the night, and I hope for to put out more posts in the holidays, because the holidays are coming to end next week so I need to create events myself to cherish the free time i have, anyways have a great week everyone!
There were some interesting teams that I thought were going to the Top 4, but some of my personally lower rated teams were at the Top 4. This was Asian Battleground, so we definitely wanted the Malaysian Teams to help prove ourselves worthy, so no matter Fearless or S-Striker, we wanted either to win. Sadly, Fearless didnt do so well in the first stage, which is their style. It didnt create a feel for the people who saw the show last Saturday night, because both Fearless and S-Striker did the same dance for both nights for the start, because last week's first stage was the same, named "The Style". Fearless lost their confidence and energy during Friday night's battleground, and they even made one big obvious stunt fail, which was really disappointing to see. So they were ranked 8 out of the 14 groups. (It was a sad night) But luckily our hearts rise up really high, when S-Striker made it to Top 4 (Ranked No.4) which we still had hope in Malaysia. They also went into the Final 2 teams against Korea's Just Jerk Crew which got a lot of screams and cheers(consist 5 good looking Korean Boys, what do you think?). I was sure with my family and my friend that S-Stiker won the battle with more creativity and variety of dance moves, while Just Jerk did the same style and followed the beat well, but it soon became boring to watch. But the Just Jerk won the Asian Battleground, which me and my friend just poker faced each other, and it was a sadder night after that. After seeing Fearless going so down hill, we really thought faith would come by. By its still a decision by the judges, which we cannot change, even if we thought S-Striker would win in our hearts.
That is a basic summary of the night, and I hope for to put out more posts in the holidays, because the holidays are coming to end next week so I need to create events myself to cherish the free time i have, anyways have a great week everyone!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
A FEARLESS FINALE! (Watched Astro Battleground Finals LIVE!)
Hey guys, and I just watched Astro Battleground Finals LIVE last night, with my mom, my maid and my friend that I invited because we got an extra ticket, and my friend "Loh Jie" is a great Battleground fan, and he is a good dancer himself.(Especially breakdancing). My maid was also a fill up for the ticket because originally the 4 tickets was for my whole family but my sister and my dad got to attend their own individual events. This was the first experience for me to going to a live TV show, and its even Astro Battleground which is so cool to see it in front of your eyes, rather than a screen. The two final teams were Fearless vs
S-STRIKER. The team we were supporting was 'Fearless', because that is the reason we got the tickets, my mom's close friend, Auntie Brenda gave us the free tickets to support her son, Darren which was in 'Fearless'. The Grand Finale for Astro Battleground was held in Megastar Arena, which looked very sick(another word for cool) inside, but not so on the outside.
When we got to the entrance of the Megastar Arena, which everybody needed to wait there, a whole bunch of people were wearing Red Tees for FEARLESS, and Blue Tees for S-STRIKER. If you get there early, you can get a free T-Shirt from one team before it runs out of stock. And fortunately we got them!
S-STRIKER. The team we were supporting was 'Fearless', because that is the reason we got the tickets, my mom's close friend, Auntie Brenda gave us the free tickets to support her son, Darren which was in 'Fearless'. The Grand Finale for Astro Battleground was held in Megastar Arena, which looked very sick(another word for cool) inside, but not so on the outside.
When we got to the entrance of the Megastar Arena, which everybody needed to wait there, a whole bunch of people were wearing Red Tees for FEARLESS, and Blue Tees for S-STRIKER. If you get there early, you can get a free T-Shirt from one team before it runs out of stock. And fortunately we got them!
Group of people supplying the red, hot and FEARLESS tees.
Unfortunately, I couldnt find any S-STRIKER tees for you guys to see, but never mind lets carry on. We thought we would get early and get good 'seats', but only the VIPs can sit on chairs, while the non VIPs had to stand and watch, which I thought was worth it. There are seven stages for the 2 teams need to go through, and winning a stage gives that team a point, so the team which reaches 4 points first would win and get RM50,000 for the whole team. Then after the 7 stages, there will be a One on One battle among the winning team, to see who the best among themselves and win RM20,000 for the individual.
I wont go into detail about the whole night, but I will say that the crew we supported, FEARLESS WON!! Which was really intense and exciting to see the results, it was at 3-3 before the last stage, and from that point we were yelling our lungs out(I honestly didnt really shout, but I did in my heart) for our own supporting crew.But I have to save the last stage, which was a battle, which both crews will be on stage and dance against each other, rather than the last 6 stages, which is their own choreographed dances and is Fearless going on stage, then S-Striker after. My hip hop teacher, Teacher Dylan was an ex-Astro Battleground contestant, and he was 5th runner up with his crew. But there is a stage where its called "The Return", where past astro battleground contestants can help one group to improve performance and creates more vibe and energy. Tr Dylan choose to help S-Striker which was a bummer, because its difficult not to support your Hip Hop teacher. It was a mental roller coaster ride for everyone, and I had a great night with my friend Loh Jie, which was great full to have the free tickets, and he said he watched this season since Episode 1.
I wish that I could have more great events like this over the holidays, and there is still 2 more weeks, till school breaks out again, which is still long as heck. Anyways, have good a week and Happy School Holidays!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Let the Holidays Break Out!
Hey guys, and school has temporarily ended due to 2.5 weeks of school holidays, which is one of the longest holidays in a year (Only for the school that is). Its going to be a long way until we can get back to school again, which I agree to "Ace-Edventure"-Lovers, that school(Maybe just Sirius Scholar?) can be much more fun than the holidays(if you are not going out and have no events with your friends or family). I also realized that I stopped my Weekly Creative Writing since the first one, which was unfortunate, and I think I just didnt have the mood for brainpower in the weekends. But since there is a whole fortnight of holidays, I guess I will continue my series that I was excited at first, but didnt really turned out well. I will start sometime this week, and I will be posting more frequently during this fortnight, because it seems to be "Infinite Weekend"(Not really infinite, just saying it to make the holiday very long)
Having free time can be great, but too much free time makes you run out of things to do, so until the end of the 1st week I think I will be begging to go back to school. There is a leadership camp that only the Form 4s can join, and its your choice to go or not. The price for the camp is quite high, but the activities we do there is not satisfying for me and therefore I choose not to go. Even if it was once in a lifetime, I think i can go to other camps with better experiences. Not only that, most of my friends didnt go too, if majority of just like a group of my friends were going, of course I will give it a go, but only one guy in my class went, and is my friend, Jing Shen because some of our ex-classmates are going(Our? We both came from 1 Amber so some people from the Amber Class was going which were also my friends, but I still decided not to go because it us didnt pump me up, and for a trip that cost 1k, it needs to create more hype and excitement for me.
I can use this holiday to finish up my Add Maths work which I still have a ton, due to how hard and long you take to figure out the question and people who do Add Maths and are new to it knows what Im talking about. So I will use sometime of the holidays to solve as much left out questions as I can, but f I really struggle and cant do it, I guess I have to wait until school breaks out again, for my teacher's guidance. And add maths has always been the only homework that takes me a long while to finish and the subject with the most stress put in it.
I think that is all that I have to mention about the past events and the holidays, expect more posts and I think i will put posts about some interesting discussions and confusion on some subjects, and less about my life and experiences.(Its like an empty plastic bag right now, full of air) Anyways, have good week and for the students in Malaysia, Happy Holidays!
Having free time can be great, but too much free time makes you run out of things to do, so until the end of the 1st week I think I will be begging to go back to school. There is a leadership camp that only the Form 4s can join, and its your choice to go or not. The price for the camp is quite high, but the activities we do there is not satisfying for me and therefore I choose not to go. Even if it was once in a lifetime, I think i can go to other camps with better experiences. Not only that, most of my friends didnt go too, if majority of just like a group of my friends were going, of course I will give it a go, but only one guy in my class went, and is my friend, Jing Shen because some of our ex-classmates are going(Our? We both came from 1 Amber so some people from the Amber Class was going which were also my friends, but I still decided not to go because it us didnt pump me up, and for a trip that cost 1k, it needs to create more hype and excitement for me.
I can use this holiday to finish up my Add Maths work which I still have a ton, due to how hard and long you take to figure out the question and people who do Add Maths and are new to it knows what Im talking about. So I will use sometime of the holidays to solve as much left out questions as I can, but f I really struggle and cant do it, I guess I have to wait until school breaks out again, for my teacher's guidance. And add maths has always been the only homework that takes me a long while to finish and the subject with the most stress put in it.
I think that is all that I have to mention about the past events and the holidays, expect more posts and I think i will put posts about some interesting discussions and confusion on some subjects, and less about my life and experiences.(Its like an empty plastic bag right now, full of air) Anyways, have good week and for the students in Malaysia, Happy Holidays!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Into Godzilla Night! (First Outing with 4 Garnet Friends and etc.)
Hey guys, and I had a blast with my friends last night, we watched the great Godzilla in Subang Parade which a group of us was planning and talking about it all week. The movie was great! But lets get into detail about "Godzilla Night".
So we started off meeting in McDonalds during 6pm+ and when all of us arrived, we moved to Carls Jr eat dinner. But I didnt ask why wouldnt all of us just meet at Carls Jr and just eat there straight? That sounds pretty logical, but what's done is done. We ate in Carls Jr pretty casually, but a highlight was my Indian friend, Prassanth, accidentally ordered a cheeseburger with beef in it. Which was pretty funny, and I decided to be a kind soul and took his chosen burger, for him to make a new order. It wasnt a huge sacrifice because Im not choosey on my meals and the burger was still good. :) I had to say a couple of my friends(covering up their names for this) were pretty loud in Carls Jr, they laugh pretty loud and didnt really care about the other families and people eating around them, and wasnt scared to have a bad reputation. I feel very embarrassed for sitting with them, for some of the people gave unpleasant stares, just didnt felt good. They didnt know its not in school or their houses, but a public restaurant. So before my reputation gets tomato sauce on it, I quickly finished my meal, and accompany my friend Yow Hue for his mini shopping needs. We meet my other friend Jing Shen who was also buying something, so we stroll around Parkson until it was around 8:50pm and that is when we went back up to the Cinemas to meet and finally watch Godzilla!!!
The movie was great but not one of the best, because it was really intense and seat-grabbing, some parts were predictable and some parts were at the wow factor. But the cherry on top will have to be Godzilla's humongous roar. So I still recommend to check this movie out. There was also a Godzilla special for the Popcorn, it wasnt just the cover of the popcorn box, it was called "Emergency Popcorn Kit" and it was HUGE. It was coloured in Yellow and Black, to symbolize the hazard sign and colour. The entire popcorn box was about 3 times the size of the normal popcorn, but I think you guys know how big it is. We would be anxiously and continously munching on popcorn for watching Godzilla, so it was worth it.
Have a great week people! :3
So we started off meeting in McDonalds during 6pm+ and when all of us arrived, we moved to Carls Jr eat dinner. But I didnt ask why wouldnt all of us just meet at Carls Jr and just eat there straight? That sounds pretty logical, but what's done is done. We ate in Carls Jr pretty casually, but a highlight was my Indian friend, Prassanth, accidentally ordered a cheeseburger with beef in it. Which was pretty funny, and I decided to be a kind soul and took his chosen burger, for him to make a new order. It wasnt a huge sacrifice because Im not choosey on my meals and the burger was still good. :) I had to say a couple of my friends(covering up their names for this) were pretty loud in Carls Jr, they laugh pretty loud and didnt really care about the other families and people eating around them, and wasnt scared to have a bad reputation. I feel very embarrassed for sitting with them, for some of the people gave unpleasant stares, just didnt felt good. They didnt know its not in school or their houses, but a public restaurant. So before my reputation gets tomato sauce on it, I quickly finished my meal, and accompany my friend Yow Hue for his mini shopping needs. We meet my other friend Jing Shen who was also buying something, so we stroll around Parkson until it was around 8:50pm and that is when we went back up to the Cinemas to meet and finally watch Godzilla!!!
The movie was great but not one of the best, because it was really intense and seat-grabbing, some parts were predictable and some parts were at the wow factor. But the cherry on top will have to be Godzilla's humongous roar. So I still recommend to check this movie out. There was also a Godzilla special for the Popcorn, it wasnt just the cover of the popcorn box, it was called "Emergency Popcorn Kit" and it was HUGE. It was coloured in Yellow and Black, to symbolize the hazard sign and colour. The entire popcorn box was about 3 times the size of the normal popcorn, but I think you guys know how big it is. We would be anxiously and continously munching on popcorn for watching Godzilla, so it was worth it.
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