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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Into Godzilla Night! (First Outing with 4 Garnet Friends and etc.)

  Hey guys, and I had a blast with my friends last night, we watched the great Godzilla in Subang Parade which a group of us was planning and talking about it all week. The movie was great! But lets get into detail about "Godzilla Night".
  So we started off meeting in McDonalds during 6pm+ and when all of us arrived, we moved to Carls Jr eat dinner. But I didnt ask why wouldnt all of us just meet at Carls Jr and just eat there straight? That sounds pretty logical, but what's done is done. We ate in Carls Jr pretty casually, but a highlight was my Indian friend, Prassanth, accidentally ordered a cheeseburger with beef in it. Which was pretty funny, and I decided to be a kind soul and took his chosen burger, for him to make a new order. It wasnt a huge sacrifice because Im not choosey on my meals and the burger was still good. :) I had to say a couple of my friends(covering up their names for this) were pretty loud in Carls Jr, they laugh pretty loud and didnt really care about the other families and people eating around them, and wasnt scared to have a bad reputation. I feel very embarrassed for sitting with them, for some of the people gave unpleasant stares, just didnt felt good. They didnt know its not in school or their houses, but a public restaurant. So before my reputation gets tomato sauce on it, I quickly finished my meal, and accompany my friend Yow Hue for his mini shopping needs. We meet my other friend Jing Shen who was also buying something, so we stroll around Parkson until it was around 8:50pm and that is when we went back up to the Cinemas to meet and finally watch Godzilla!!!
  The movie was great but not one of the best, because it was really intense and seat-grabbing, some parts were predictable and some parts were at the wow factor. But the cherry on top will have to be Godzilla's humongous roar. So I still recommend to check this movie out. There was also a Godzilla special for the Popcorn, it wasnt just the cover of the popcorn box, it was called "Emergency Popcorn Kit" and it was HUGE. It was coloured in Yellow and Black, to symbolize the hazard sign and colour. The entire popcorn box was about 3 times the size of the normal popcorn, but I think you guys know how big it is. We would be anxiously and continously munching on popcorn for watching Godzilla, so it was worth it.
Have a great week people! :3

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