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Saturday, March 26, 2011


hEY,Opps!I forgotten the Caps Lock was on, like i was saying, Hey, Bieber fans,I think you all heard about the new movie:Justin Bieber ,Never say Never 3D.This you all(and me)must be dying to see it(because I'm a Bieber fan) and the story of his journey until this day(too).
I also know some of you(except the Bieber fans)hate Justin Bieber(scold me if you are one)or thinks that he is a "girl"(and those who r not YOU SUCK)and sings like a girl.All those things are (100%)not true,because(this is to the JB Haters)before his voice became puberty his voice was a little girlish(no effence JB fans),his hair is (SUPER)AWESOME,and he is not GAY(I know some of you(means the JB Haters) are jealous because all of your girlfriends are love-drunked to him)because his somehow got relationship with Selena Gomez (kissed her).
So, this is the link to the trailer of Justin Bieber,Never Say Never 3D.Hope you guys like it(then wanna watch it).
                                     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COJCN3Mhr14         And here is te MV of Justin Bieber "Pray" talking about(see it yourself)(touching....T.T)(see it to know why)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9tJW9MDs2M

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