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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hello people, the title above may confuse you but DO NOT GOOGLE IT FIRST and just look at this post. I will explain what the heck "Somnambulism" means later. Last Monday, I HAVE NO IDEA I WOKE UP IN THE MORNING, and guess what, my mom told me(at Tuesday) that I woke up crying, than I ran TO THE TOILET and cried, and ran crying around the room, and ran right back to sleep. At Tuesday, I was so shocked when my mom told me I was EYES WIDE OPEN. IT WAS SO CREEPY RIGHT? I have NO CLUE ALL ABOUT THE INCIDENT. Somnambulism is not like a hangover,(I think everyone knows the movie Hangover and Hangover Part 2, DAMN THOSE MOVIES WERE FUNNY),hangovers are like the things you do when your drunk, and the next day you have no clue.Somnambulism is when you slept till midnight you wake up and do things you don't know but your eyes are open.This happens when you have trouble to go to pee, any part of your body in pain or you have stress.(You guess what of this three things could be)I guessing the first one......DON'T ASK ME ABOUT IT I DON'T i PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT MY ISSUES...(I think all of you think I am joking......)So if you have one of this three things you beeter watch out for tonight...


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Must-watched MOVIES! 2

This month(or maybe the two months: July and August). Last time, I introduce one of the best movies http://blmjrocks.blogspot.com/2011/05/must-watched-movies.html. And it made it to the POPULAR POSTS! board.Now, I support you to watch these movies.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: I know what are you thinking, I know....... that movie is almost over and the CD is not even out yet. Harry Potter Fans who did not watch the finale, first you must favorite the post, because you might forget to buy the CD when it comes out. The story is that Harry Potter must find all of the Holcrux to DEFEAT YOU-KNOW-WHO.(Just say it out, VOLDERMORT!!!!)(Trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_kDb-pRCds)(Part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EC2tmFVNNE&feature=relmfu)(Smosh parody:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MtBaFKa_F4)
(Shane Dawson song parody of Demi Lovato to Harry Potter's last movie:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRocX3RmI2o)

2.Captain America:The First Avenger :This Marvel movie is EPIC!!!!! A little guy from Brooklyn wanted to volunteers to partipate in an experiment program that turns him into the Super Soildier known as Captain America. Defeating the evil RED SKULL , IS NOT EASY. If you missed the movie, buy the CD.(trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCTv6i3589A).Next year, all four epic Marvel superheroes(Thor,Iron Man,Incredible Hulk and Captain America) will join together forming "The Avengers".

3.Rise of The Planet of Apes:" This is one of the greatest movies of all time", that's what ot A scientist wants to test a chimp using an experiment named "The Cure", so the chimp's mind will become a full human's brain.
The chimp's now thinks it has a family, until it joins with other chimps and doesn't go back home, its was total REVENGE!!!!! By giving all the chimps "the cure' so all of the chimps have a mind of its own.Now every chimp collide to rule the world.See how it end up by watching the movie......(See the epic trailer here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaK6khs8aMw)

4.Cowboys and Aliens: Daniel Craig(Actor of James Bond)is Jake Lorrengen  and a crook, was abducted by aliens and lose his memory, HE DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HIS OWN NAME!!!!! He woke in the desert with a STRANGE LOOKING BRACELET around his wrist. Aliens came and took away innocent people, know Jake has to work with Chief of the town(Harrison Ford :Actor of Indiana Jones). Who knew the Bracelet was a Alien weaponry device and can defeat aliens easily. Now they have to find away to get rid of the Aliens.(Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az3z1Ih6VSI&feature=related)

5.Zookeeper: The animals at the Franklin Park Zoo LOVE their kindhearted caretaker, Griffin Keyes(Kevin James).Finding Himself More comfortable with a lion than a lady, Griffin decides the only way to get a girl in his life is to leave the zoo and find a more glamorous job. The animals , in a panic, decide to break their time-honored code of silence and reveal their biggest secret yet: THEY CAN TALK!To kkep Griifin from leaving, they decide to teach him the rules of courtship- animal style.Catch this comedy in cinemas now!(Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtxUxa-u3u8)


Saturday, August 6, 2011

QUOTING IS SUPER FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!( Viewers are advised.......)

Hi guys, a month ago, I went to a "Healthy Eating Program". That day I past through a book stall, and there was a book with the tittle, 108 WAYS TO GRAB MY APPLES. YA, I FREAKED OUT TOO, THERE LIKE ONLY A FEW WAYS.1. Climb the tree 2. Cut the tree down and grab the apple 3. Get a ladder 4. Use your hands 5.Ask someone to grab it for you 6. Use a pogo stick 7. Jump on a Trampoline. I only thought of SEVEN WAYS to grab apples, so I stared at the book a few minutes, and the seller JUST MADE THE PRICE CHEAPER (From RM50.00 to RM40.00, HOW FREAKIN AWESOME IS THAT) Before I made up my mind, my mom just took her wallet and pulled out colored paper and gave to the seller. She said that I WAS TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THAT BOOK, when I was actually making up my mind. Eventually I also was happy that time, because I want to know what the heck those 180 ways are......(Real reason I'm happy, BECAUSE THE BOOK HAS QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to the main event, I shall show the first 10 QUOTES of the book.
1.Never sit under the tree waiting for the apple to fall.Climb the tree, GRAB THAT APPLE!When it comes, never be inert and take your time, TIME TO MOVE!
2.Maturity is about CHALLENGING yourself and IMPROVING!And then taking that experience to help others.
3.Entertaining the idea of becoming a vegetarian?It's not a big step or a difficult step but a necessary step.
4.Give HAPPINESS, PATIENCE,KINDNESS,and CARE, and the pain goes away. Then, only L O V E remains.
5.LIFE is worth living only when you spend your life enhancing others' lives TRY IT.
6.Don't only always use the pain that you received as an excuse TO GIVE PAIN.
7.If you really want something badly enough, work towards it-then you will get it.JUST ONE DAY AT A TIME.
8.WHEN OTHERS PUT YOU DOWN for who you are or what you're doing, it just means YOU ARE GOING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
9.If you try and fail, there is still a chance to win.If you don't try, and fail anyway.SO JUST TRY!
10.Outdated attitudes must change now and behaviors reform. Do you want be a WINNER or loser? Its up to you!

These quotes are meant for those people in need of help, if you are having stress, just look at these quotes, starting today, I will posted Quote of The Week. If you like these quotes, FAVORITE IT.