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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hi, guys! And I know all of you think....... "is this kid gonnna stop this blog every weekend paradise for a stupid exam called UPSR!". Now I'M BACK!!! Yes!!!! That freakin exam is now over and I CAN BLOG ALL I WANT!(I'M SO HAPPY I CAN MAKE THIS WHOLE POST FULLL WITH BIG LETTERS)(But I think I better not because it will just make this post messy and it will not show the expression I give). This post has a lot of stuff so just sit, back relax(WELL I CAN'T BECAUSE I SO EXCITED I COULD EXPLODE!!!!!!!) and look at this post(WARNING: This post could take about 1 HOUR).

That damn stress has finally ended and now I don't need to read anything in school and I can play with my friends ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Maybe some subjects........) UPSR is over and I can play my IPAD EVERYDAY!!!!!!! I have no idea the joy of UPSR's disappearance was SO FREAKIN GREAT!!!!!!!!! Here is an acronym I made for UPSR-     U---------------------------------YOU
Now this topic is over I can start with a new topic in the blog.(Holiday Plans-HP)

2.Treasure Hunt RULED!-
I forgot to tell you but every year I have an annual activity(can you believe it, it has been 9 years till now we join this activity 2002-2011) with all of my cousins, uncles and aunties, called "Treasure Hunt".After you read this, maybe you will just say:"Are you kidding me, Bryan?Treasure hunt really? You search for GOLDY STUFF AND GET RICH EVERY YEAR!!!!! I don't wanna come to your blog ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!". That's what my teacher exactly say after I skip school for the Treasure Hunt.This "treasure hunt" is not really hunting treasure, is just hunting the treasures like food, drinks, tit-bits,etc.(e.g. Roller Coaster, a pack of rice, Julie's biscuit, a can of Soya bean)To hunt these things,(by the way this treasure hunt thing is in Chinese)an awesome guy, Ricky Koo has a very, very, very, very, very smart brain, that can be able to create an IQ-type of question for you to solve and the answer will be in the shop  you will have to take decades(this will just make you not wanna join this competition'YA, THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS A COMPETITION, NOT ONLY YOU CAN GET AWESOME PRIZES, YOU CAN HAVE AN AMAZING TRIP AFTER THE DAY OF TREASURE HUNTING!!!!!! SOME TIMES.....' , so it will just make your brain burn, not EXACTLY.......).Two weeks before the UPSR, all of us gathered at my house like usual before the day of treasure hunting, and all the grown ups go to a place where they listen their briefing, while all of us were at home having a good time playing.The next morning, all of us woke up at about 5.30a.m. in the morning and had our breakfast, we quickly straighten up ourselves and get in our car to go get some tips for the treasure hunt.(This treasure hunt is by car and can also be walking to find the shops)After Ricky Koo gave some tips,  we were ready to start the hunt.Some questions we knew the answer(with some of my help, this only happen this year because my mind was more creative and last time I was like, 'WHAT THE HELL IS THIS????!!!!!') and some question we just have no idea and just go with what we saw.Besides that, we also had two photo-shoot contest. The first one was to shoot a creative yet photo of a Chinese legend and a Chinese Series called "Journey to the west" character called Fat Pig(Zhu Ba Jie) and a mischievous monkey(Su Wu Kong).And the other photo was to take a picture about Water and Smiles:).After a tiring day of treasure hunting, we went to the Bukit Gambang Water Park to have some fun and took the photo about Water and Smiles.After those fun, we send our photos and we gathered at the hall and have our dinner while they reveal all of the answer.After reveal the answer and the winners of the photo-shoot challenge, they reveal the places for all of the contestants, and we were placed No.26/120.That was an amazing experience and I so looking forward for the next Treasure Hunt.If you are interested, call Ricky's number:60378032623 and his website:http://rickykoo.com/zh

3.Michelle CAME!!!!
Maybe some of you just read my post and fly off, and did not scroll down. If you scroll down till you see My Buddy's blog you see there is a name called Michelle(my cool cousin) and her blog is hecking awesome blog go check it out:http://z-eroo.blogspot.com/ She came for the holidays and she join us in Genting. We watched the epic movie"Cars 2" which was in 3D.That movie wasn't staring Lightning Mcqueen but staring Mater, that was SO UNFORTUNATELY!!! If you didn't know(of course you didn't know) she was the king of Tap Tap Revenge and she can score more than 1 MILLION POINTS IN JUST 3-4 MINUTES!!!!!! THAT IS SO INSANE!!!!!! My sis and Michelle were like BCFS!!!!!!!(Best Cousins Forever).Well me just sitting right there looking at them playing.

4.Lost world of Tambun!!!!
If you didn't know(Bryan who do you think we are!!! STUPID!!!!!! OF COURSE WE DON'T KNOW!!! STOP SAYING THAT), THIS POST WAS ACTUALY GONNA BE ON SATURDAY BUT I STOP AT THE 2ND TOPIC TREASURE HUNT RULED IN THAT MIDDLE, AND I CONTINUED IN SUNDAY TODAY SO LETS JUST SAY THIS POST WILL END PROBABLY IN SECONDS.Last Friday, We went to a water park/petting zoo/tin valley/tiger valley/epic/had a great time/meet animals that i had never met/rain a heavy/great/memorable .Full version;(http://blmjrocks.blogspot.com/2011/09/im-no-b-sian-for-english.html)


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