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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


  Hey guys, and its been A WHILE because there were MORE delays after delay, after delay, and finally I just stopped the Part 2 of THE BIG DELAY because that is the big post making everything harder for me to continue posting weekly blogs. So because its about to be Year End again.(TIME JUST FLY SO FAST!!!) So what I decided to do while frustratingly continue on giving out the past news on one post, I decided to just give up on that one long delaying post, and just to have a fresh start this holiday, since its MY BLOG!! Im not working for anyone to this or something, its my SITE, my RULESSSSS!!! So I shall start with the topic that is currently happening about, NOW!
  First things first, that Im announcing that there is going to be "Appreciation Day!!!" this November 17th. And is the biggest event through out this whole year!! Wait, What is that day about? Well, that day is mainly to present your class by performing any performance possible.(Act an Act(Drama), Sing Songs(Vocals), Hip a Hop(DO THE DANCING!!), AND MANY MORE CRAZY IDEAS!!) This day is to appreciate after all the hard work you and your teachers gave to make you have better results and made learning fun! Every year end except for (Form 5 students due to IGCSE (THE BIG THING!!)
   There is  A LOT of pressure on us, because our performance is a drama, titled "Only in 1 Amber!". Because out of all the 20 over classes perfoeming, there is only 3 sketches. And one of the sketches is OURS!!! So that means we need to PRACTICE HARDCORE, its on this Saturday, so we dont really have much time from now...
   I am so relaxed because there is about a BILLION STORIES to tell over the past, but now we can do it all from scratch!! My results for my Final Exam, is out already, and I did not so good, but im just Form 1, Give Me a Chance.... Its my first experience doing 2 hour Test Papers, and its pretty TOUGH.
  There is still 2 more weeks until school is over!!! And Im very excited to go to the other side(The Other Building which is where we are supposed to go, but too much people to fit in, so they put all the Form 1 to the Old Building....) next year, and meet new friends and get a new fresh start on 2013.
  I think that is it for the latest news from this month, wish me LUCK on my performance in Appreciation Day"!!!!!Bye!!!

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