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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Monday, March 17, 2014

Introducing- Weekly Creative Writing #1 (Regret)

  Hello guys, and today is not the usual day for a post, but me and my sister have came up with something special for both of our blogs, a weekly essay for you guys to read, and we are doing this to improve our writing skills and creativity. Plus every week, we take turns to give a theme, and we write to that theme and we compare how different and creative we write after we are done. This week, I gave the theme "Regret", and it really just came out of nowhere so I didnt plan this out, but at the end I got a story! I hope you enjoy and after my sister is done, I will put the link for her blogpost down at the bottom. Enjoy!

  Quarter to twelve, another day to pass and flow. I couldn't have any more time to regret using what I've not done. All of my life, time flows faster than the strong currents in vast river, so fast that one day the river will run out of water, and so is time. 
  After resigning my job, life was back to a dry hot desert, lack of expectations, only the burning hot sun and the billions of sand piles. I wanted more meaning and more time to fulfill it, I was hungry for more hours, minutes and seconds. But one fine day, I was walking down a dark twisted alley, and I saw a sharp blinding light that caught to my attention. It was a golden pocket watch, it look pretty fancy and I looked for a name or a tag, but it belongs to anonymous. I opened the watch and saw that the time was going haywire, an infinite circle, and that the glass was shattered, which meant someone threw this. I tried to adjust the time, but suddenly a roaring storm came upon me, heavy raindrops were coming down, and I ran with complete shock and an eyebrow raising high.
  I got to a spot with shelter, and took a look at the golden pocket watch, and words actually appeared on the glass. It said that I was "Lucky Holder of Time and Space", I thought it was some kind of child's play. But suddenly 3 buttons pop out on the side of the watch, it said "Days, Months and Years". Immediately, words came out on the broken glass, and said that I was given 2 chances to keep or discard. So for the first chance, I choose to keep and try it.
  I pressed on the 3 buttons, and I adjust it to April 12 3006, which was my 18th birthday. And I appeared at the same place, but everything instantly changed. Everything was more vintage, old-fashion, the cars, the buildings and the people. It gave my extreme nostalgia and I tried to pinch my arm, but it just wouldn't wake me up. I ran to my home which was not far, and saw my parents, all young and getting ready for my party. I experienced the entire day through the window with my moist red eyes.
  This made me think that if I could go back to the past, I might be able to go further into the future. I tried to adjust the time, but words appeared once more. Your last chance to prove your faith, Keep or Discard. I was in such adrenaline and curiosity, it gave me no time to think, but to just leap. I entered a random date, September 25 3033. I was in the same place but everything was changed into a massive concrete jungle with extreme skyscrapers with advance technology. A group of armed policemen wearing heavy duty armor rushed to me, and told me to dispose any kind of unauthorized technology. I was really confused, and showed them the golden pocket watch, but it happens to be illegal and they chased me their weapons drawn. I ran again with all my might, and tried to change the time while I was at it. 
  The armed police force started to shoot at me, and I accidental trip and fall down a long staircase. My golden pocket watch was out of my hand, and fell continuously. But as the I fell on the hard ground with heavy bruises and pain, it became nightfall, and the policemen had vanished, it wasn't a big city anymore, but turned out to be wooden houses and a village, I grabbed my watch but a group of people found me. They were holding pitchforks and flamed sticks, like they were an angry mob. They were all yelling "Witchcraft, witchcraft, we found ourselves a witch!", I was looking behind and around me, but they were all looking at me. I quickly told them I was an ordinary man with a pocket watch, but watches don't seem to exist at that time. They snatched the watch and took a look at it, then smashed it onto the ground with their weapons. My face grew green and my heart pumped rapidly.
  I was grabbed and tied onto a stick, I yelled and demanded to let me have the watch back, but no one was hearing, I was yelling in my hearts full of corrupted flames, I couldn't have more time to regret what I've not done. 
My sister's story on "Regret", check her out!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Unsolved Puzzle of MH370 ~~ 1# Theme Day 2014 Experience

  Hey guys, Im back to continue the cliffhangers from the last post, so I think i will start with the more serious news. The missing airplane MH370 has been a hot topic all around Malaysia, and I wish to tell you guys what the internet and my family thought about the mystery, but sadly there is a political link and I cant put that online with my blog, or it will be taken down.(*sad face*) Well the plane is still missing, and still no solid stories with proof, but many people thought that the possibilities for the plane to be hijacked is very high, because there is not a single trace of the "airplane crash" in the sea they have found, and no clear airplane sightings they have found where the airplane lost signal. Well, we still need to pray for MH307 that nothing bad happens, and hopefully this puzzle gets solved as quick as possible.
  Lets get on with the fun and good news, my first theme day with my new 4 Garnet friends. Our theme was "Conquerer Day" and we were doing the "Qing Dynasty" and this maybe one of the most rushy theme day because my class didnt really put much effort and we really did all of the work the Theme Day morning, and they were having the "Just do it the most simple way possible, and get over with this" attitude. So yeah, that was a little negative and sad. So our outfit easily looked like last minute work. Plus my class didnt even have the effort to have a class photo and destroyed our cheap clothes with colour pen designs.(This was so fun to hear, but they did have a good time destroying the clothes, BY tug'o'war, I actually have a picture for that.)

Yeah, its terrifying. So the teachers were dressed up as the Matrix, it was pretty standard and cool. Because teachers always dont want to go too crazy with their ideas, for how much things they have to manage and control. We played one game for the entire day and this theme day had all class in one session and it was so packed, we need to use 2 activity halls to fill up the classes. The one game we played was "Conquer The Classes", so this one was more of luck and speed, and getting to the class first, every class is given a number at the door, telling its capacity of people to fit in that room(Example, 15), and if majority of a class is in the room (If your class have at least 8 people), then you have conquered a class. There is 6 games and as a class, we needed to plan and get as many classes conquered as possible. We ended up getting 2. Well at least we got some conquered, and it was really pushy and risky at the start, and a girl actually fell down and got trampled on, which was really sad and painful. So we got scolded and were told to be more patient and less die-hard to conquer the classes. But at the end, everything was fun and alright, and can see that my other friends from 2 Amber are having fun and putting more effort with their new classmates, and it makes me a little dissapointed. I hope we can have a better theme day next time, and we can at least put in more effort and creativity, and that the missing airplane MH370 and all of its people in there will be found. 
Thanks for looking at my blog and have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mysterious Missing Airplane Mystery ~~ Another Theme Day Annoucement!

  Hey guys, so I finally got a couple cool unique things to share about, and that is also the reason why I didnt really post anything on my blog for the past few weeks, that nothing much was happening, and it was just like every week, no good or bad news, so I decided not to, to prevent awkwardness. So we do have some good news and some bad news, i think we should start with the bad news.
  People living in Malaysia probably already heard that an airplane boarded to Beijing lost signal and is still remains missing. This was really terrifying for the families who went up to the plane or families that have their members on it, my sister's friend's friend was on the plane too :(. We are actually not sure if its a plane crash(into the sea) or an explosion from a planted bomb, or did something actually happen to the plane, lets hope not. So since we havent solve this mystery, we assumed that maybe a terrorist planted a bomb on the plane, and today morning we got news that 4 passports were stolen and the passports were to that missing plane. Why would they just take the passports that is not theirs and go into an airport custom? 
How would they know that the identifier would check the faces and still go through? 
And since they are going up the plane, that has a bomb installed, they would also die with them, so are they like suicide bombers hired by the "Terrorist X"?  This is just a huge question mark.
  Now for the good and cool news, as always, every year there will be 2 theme days and this is my first one with my new bunch of friends in 4 Garnet, and the theme is "Conqueror Day" which is the theme of any group of beings that can conquer the entire world, and we choose really expected and more of in the box decisions, like the Roman Empire, The Spartans, Japanese Army and some even suggested Clash Of Clans.(It was actually taken., LOL!) But the final decision was the Qing Dynasty, its pretty historical and expected, but what we are going to do is going to be special. We havent really discussed what to buy and wear, but we will get to it, and this Thursday is going to be a blast. And we will share with you guys my Theme Day story next weekends, have a good and hopeful week!