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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Saturday, January 19, 2013


    Hey guys! And you might ask? "Where is the part 2 of your Thailand trip?" or "Where is the part 2 of your Thailand trip AGAIN?" i dont know if you remeber, but back at 2011, I went for a Sabah Trip with all my friends that could afford to go for the school's GRADUATION TRIP. I typed part 1 of it, and its VERY LONG. And ended up saying Im going to post part 2 some other time because I needed to introduce 2012 and say my new year's resolutions for last year. But here is the truth(Maybe you figured out already for the LONG DELAY, you might even forget...), im never going to post the Part 2 of that Sabah trip,because I cant remember that much anymore...
  And now about the Thailand trip. Its not that I dont remember, I still remember the highlights, but I think I should just move on 2013! And one of my New Years Resolution is to "Improve on Blogpost Length..." means that I want to be more straight to the point, because every time I type about trips or adventures or fun events, I include small "biscuits". In "biscuits" I mean small memories.... So I just had to let go that story, sorry if you REALLY wanted to now how it continued... But I PROMISE, this year when I tell a story or an experience, I will make it fun to read, and short as possible. That also goes to my wonderful birthday and my amazing experience with all my cousins and relatives during early Christmas celebration.
  So now its finally time to tell what are the special things that my new school building have and not at where my old school building have. More toilets! All 4 floors have 4 toilets each! When I was in the Form 1 Zone(Only Form 1 students ruled that zone....), there was only ONE boy's toilet, and two girl' toilet.(SO SAD FOR THE BOYZ T.T) Absolute DARKNESS!(For some classes like ours!)  This is because our class is in the middle of the floor, and NO WINDOWS! So its a very good shadow theatre! Better computers!(In the ICT Lab!) The computers are all Windows 7 and have high speed internet very good and easy with ICT work and researches. During Form 1, our ICT teacher actually called Unifi to come over and install Unifi to make research faster and easier. But the company said they couldn't locate our school, and it was a BUMMER :( We got slow internet the whole year... (Wish you luck, Form 1s of 2013...) Tired Tyres! This is one of the most special things in our school, every single classroom has it and its pretty clever. The tyres were first left by graduated Form 5 students in their classroom, and they used the tyres for a coursework. So a teacher at year, used the tyres to punish sleepy students by letting them sit on the tyre, forcing them to stand still. It was a FUN and WORKING idea, so the teacher spread it to everyone and got the principal's permission and got EVERY CLASS A TYRE. But I think my class may over abuse the use if tyres. We actually stole some extra tyres in the tyre pile for backup, we were scolded at the end... But still very clever! Extreme TnT! There is a brand new coach for our TnT(Tattoos and Tofu: Fitness Training) and I dont remember his name, I dont remember him saying it... But he said he had trained fighters before and now he is training adolescences(people at the age of 13-18) like us in schools, making us SUPER FIT!!! And we think he is Irish but he rejected. And we dont want to be rude to guess what race he is. So we shall observe how he talk through out the year and find out. Better Cafeteria! There is more options for the extra food, snack and sandwich that we need to give out extra money, because the normal lunch given in the cafeteria is paid already. There is also an UPSTAIRS for the cafeteria, with AIRCON! Its so nice to have lunch with your friends under a fresh cool aircon! Never again in the outdoors with stupid flys invading your food while you sit under hot surroundings. 
  That is all the special things in my new school building that I need to get use to. And now I can finally reveal my 2013 New Years Resolutions!! 
"Dont Procrastinate" I always plan on doing something, but I end up doing something else like watch gaming videos on Youtube, play games on my computer or IPad.
"Be more focused" I am known as a VERY BLUR person like really, Im one of those people arent clear on their surroundings. It only happens when the situation is just not interesting or just couldnt pull open my ear and eyelids. 
"Take more notes during class" This will help me very much in my tests this year. And this year is going to be more harder and the choice to our faith, if we do well in the test, we get to skip to Form 4 which is what an average student would do. If we get do TERRIBLE, we need to stay ONE MORE YEAR means MORE MONEY paid, for an extra year of Form 3, that learns exactly what we learn in Form 2,which is very crucial for our parents and ourselves. I would've just put the resolution, "Get better in grades and go to Form 4", but I dont think that is a resolution, more of an aim.
"Get more hygienic" I sneeze a lot. I need to get hand-sanitizer or a clean handkerchief at all times. It will make people like me more. And I pick my nose sometimes.
"Organize my stuff better" I need to get tidy and "label-ly" on my stuff, so it will be easier for me to find stuff and it will not make look like a messy person.
"Practice more piano" If I need to get better on my piano skills, I need to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. So I want to practice and play more often this year and onwards.
"Dont fart that much?" I dont know why but I happen to fart A LOT in class. I know Im a human being, and letting out air is what we do. But I happen to do quite often in class, compared to anyone else. So I think I'll try to hold it and let it outside.
"Get a fixed time for blogging and always get a post in time!" This is a resolution I REALLY WANT to work out because I always delayed post last year, but this year, I want to be more precised like in 2011! 
  Those are the resolutions I want to complete this year! And I hope I can change like this and be a better person, every year. I will be posting other stuff and interesting things next week so stay tuned. And have a great new year yourselves! BYE BYE!

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