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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Monday, January 28, 2013

Young Innocent Souls taken away by Un-Hearted Humanity...

  Hey guys! And I got some very terrifying news, that I just had to put in my blog, and some mysteries I have heard near my school. So lets start with a VERY BIG SHOCK for a well-known missing kid named William  Yau Zheng Zhong, was missing after his parents left him and his 2 siblings in the car with the window winded down while they look at some washing machines at a electrical supply store. Everyone tried their best to work together, and bring that boy home. Who knew, that boy was already gone that day he went missing....
  We were really hoping for a happy ending, and expect just a dumb distraction make him run away, and a friendly person or family will bring him to his family. Not a very CRUCIAL WAY, like getting killed by drowning in the Klang River. But we still dont know if he was killed by him just running around himself, and fell into the deep drain, flowing until the Klang River which is quite far from were he was from said the news, or killed by an un-souled person without any possible reason. The William's family doesnt have any threads or enemies, which will cause a person to do that, so we do not know how he really died.
  It was just 5 minutes, the parents have left them, and he just wandered of like that.... So I think parents will be more HARD on their kids, and will be more on the look after them. For such cruelty of humanity, i dont think any parent in Malaysia would be easy on the children anymore. 
  Okay, after that shocking news, here is a very weird mystery I just came upon, after coming to this school building. There is an African store near our school, (Keep in mind: We are still young and immature so we are just making fun of races for fun but not actual racism.) At first, we all laughed when we saw AFRICAN store. So a few of my friends and myself "WARNED" my other friends, to "never" step into the store, or you are screwed. And there was this window winded down on their 2nd floor, we shouted: "SNIPERS ON SIGHT, WATCH OUT!!" It look like there were snipers ready to shoot innocent school kids from the windows.( Always seen in movies, where snipers shoot people from windows :D) 
   Well, after we told our teacher(Tr. Brandon, Chemistry Teacher) about that, the teacher said it was TRUE to STAY AWAY from the African Restaurant and Store. We immediately thought that Teacher Brandon was a SERIOUS RACIST. But there will always be a reason, and that is because, long time ago, a group of students from Sirius Scholar, went to their restaurant, and HOLY CRAP, A BOWL OF MAGGI MEE IS RM30.00!!!And I have heard many other food from the menu COST A LOT. So the group immediately wants to leave for SUCH A HIGH PRICE. We dont know the mysteries to that African Store, but for now, we will stay 1km away from that store.(Its impossible, its less than a 100 metres from our school...) 
So that is it for the scary news of THE START OF 2013, what horrifying news....  But that is it and I hope I will get GOOD AND INTERESTING news next week, so STAY TUNED!

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