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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Failure = Motivation

  Hey guys, and Im back to share a great discovery I found out this week. So since the last post, I having been more positive and didnt get my blood to boil(Means anger) too much. Because of that post, I always think first before I go on tilt, Is it worth it to waste my energy being angry at something that would not matter after the next day?, or should i just keep calm and move on? 
  When you cant get what you want, you will work harder next time to get it, the reason I said this was because my English test paper came out, and I got 64% which was a bummer, I was hoping for 70+ or maybe an A. So this made me take down notes for often, trying to improve my essays bit by bit, and just more eager to increase my writing skills. I cant stay at one spot and be successful, I need to continuously climb up the ladder and try to be the very best I can. I thought that my writing skills were really good among the other(Yes, Im a little braggy when it comes to English), but I didnt change my writing style from Form 2. I didnt try to improve the essay structure, I just wanted more creative content and great words to use every essay I do. I need to think to myself, that Im in Form 4, my level needs to be higher and better. Im very sorry about the Weekly Creative Writing my sister is way too busy, so I delayed some, but I think I should just do it myself and move one, so I could further improve my English.
  Another thing to mention from this subject, is my Hip Hop. I dont know if you guys remember from what I said about my Hip Hop class last week, that I couldnt do a Turtle Freeze which was the first of the 3 freezes to make a Windmill, which is the first power move we are going to learn.(Basically using your legs to create an entire spin like a windmill, which is normal in the Hip Hop industry. I thought I could finally do the Turtle Freeze this week, and move on to the chair freeze. But I was still stuck, until the end of the class. More people were moving into the Windmill level, while me and still fewer people stuck at the first level, I still felt sad and let down, Tr. Dylan saw me still at that level and he said that I dont have enough arm strength to left my entire lower body up. So this motivated me to do a 100 push ups every day(I know its a bit crazy, I might lower down the number to like 50) so I can finally do the Turtle Freeze and others, and just being strong in general, for Im quite weak in my class and Im turning 15, so I need to do some form of working out.
  So this lead to my conclusion, When you fail at something or you can get your satisfaction, you will try harder next time and hopefully you will succeed. Better than being an angry bear, roaring furiously for not having its meal, it should hunt it down its prey more tactically next time, with better plans. This is for everything you do in life, and I hope everyone would get this message, so everyone would feel fine to fail, and just try harder next time. I hope you guys agree with me, and have a wonderful week! Weekly Creative Writing will be back next week!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Going On Tilt: A Mind-Boggling Subject

  Hey guys, and this week has been a tough and uneasy week for me, finally something special to talk about on my channel, but definitely not a good thing in my life. There is a term in the game Poker called, "On Tilt" which means a state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in the player becoming over-aggressive. This process can not only exist in Poker, but in everything we do, like sports, piano, video games and even my studies. 
  Im being going through tilt for almost the entire week, it all started with one tilt, ADD MATHS. Probably the only subject which I struggle to understand and follow up, or even have trouble with. The rest of the subjects I can catch up and digest after a few days, even if I have confusion or difficulty on a topic. Add Maths push me to my limits, when I was still behind on homework, due to lack of understandings, majority of the class moved on to a new topic. I now I have all the time at home to do my homework, but neither does my sister know or remember about the topic, so I had no choice but to wait until I get to school to ask teacher, but I could only ask question from the past topic during tutorial, which is only once a week. But since they have started a new topic, Im even more behind. This made me mad and confused on whether to continue with the others, or focus on recovering and trying to catch up from behind. So it was pretty emotional for me, when I was struggling back there, while the others had fun, laughed, and had a jolly good time, while I didnt. But I just need to tell myself, Im not the only one who is left behind, and I can always recover next time. So that was the first tilt.
  Secondly, during Hip Hop, we had our first official training for 2 dance styles, Break-dancing or Whacking.
Break-dancing is more for the boys, power moves and stunts; Whacking is for any gender really, but more feminine, its more on speed and quick limbs and flexibility, or something like that. So since Break-Dancing is more stunts and dangerous, all the girls didnt dare to take it, for they dont want to look rough and weird. I took break-dancing because I thought it was cool and I would go for the guy thing more, and see if I could actually do those extreme power moves. The first thing we had to learn, was over first power move- Windmill. It was a combination of 3 other moves: Turtle Freeze, Chair Freeze, and Shoulder Freeze. Its from stage to stage, first you do Turtle, then Chair, then Shoulder, and finally the Windmill. Many actually got to the last level and tried to do the Windmill, but some was stuck at Shoulder freeze. Very few people were still stuck at Turtle Freeze, pretty embarrassing right? I was in that group. The same thing with Add Maths, I thought if i got the hang of it, I could eventually master it, and move on, but since I keep failing and see people climb up faster than me, I began to start another tilt, leading me into rage and frustration. And I was stuck in Turtle freeze until the end of the class. I felt like crap after that, but I had a very fun egg fall test in Physics, and that cheered me up.
 Other things like tennis and piano also gave me mini tilts, which was very unfortunate and unwanted process that I knew I needed to avoid, but just psychological happens to me. After re-thinking and typing my experience of my tilts on this post, it made me more relaxed. I wish Im not going to go through this process this week, and I could be a more positive and relaxed teenager after this post, this is not only about me, this is for anyone going on tilt. As always, have a great week!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

News-storm Incoming!!!

  Hey guys, and I have been out for a 2 weeks due to events and loss of memory to post, but I'm here now and I got a bundle of things to share, lets start from the 2 weeks before this, my sister got the whole family, plus my aunt and grandparents to attend a charity buffet dinner for the children of orphanages with cool and memorable performances. I actually wanted to blog about it after that night, but I somehow forgot and didnt. The buffet dinner was held at "Secret Louisiana", and it looked pretty nice there. The food was great and special, the performances were held by the people of Help University College like singing, small acts and even beat-boxing! There are a couple performances made by the children of the orphanages, which I think its a sign of "thank you", for the appreciation of supporting the charity dinner and helping these unfortunate kids. Overall, I thought it was a great night.
  The week before that night was the first Weekly Creative Writing I did with my sister, individually in our own blog. We did the theme : Regret and the results were so familiar. We both did time travel and not getting back to the original time, but our storylines had different paths.
  Last week, I just finished the exams and it felt relieved as always, to release the huge amount of stress and just relax and wait for the results.(kinda like pooping O.O) I did this thing last year, which was a expectation list for what I would get, and I thought to myself, it was a very stupid idea, and I should just hope for the best, and even if I didnt do good, I did my best. But the exam was overall standard in difficulty, and I didnt flunk big time and understand the questions properly. All Bs will make me a snow leopard, always excited and happy to jump around with high adrenaline.
  After the tests, I decided to reward myself by watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier with my family, but not my sister, for the fact that she has a fun event herself, the Reach Out concert at her university, Taylor's Uni.  The concert was full of famous Youtube Singers, Im not a big fan off, and Im not too familiar with the people, so I didnt go with her, and I just watch the movie with my parents. The movie was incredible, the fight sequences were intense and filled with panic, story was great and had huge plot twists, I cant anymore than that, but I really recommend you people go watch it, its pretty touching too.
  I think that is all I can really share, nothing but normal school days left, so mind as well just end the post. I hope you guys have a great week!!!