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I'm just a teenager with game problems and I'm creating the blog of my life. Not only that, I got tons of cool things to share and JUST WANT TO TELL YOU STUFF.Please support me by reading my posts, for I put in effort and try to improve my content and overall language progressively, post by post. :) YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/user/Garfield1234able FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.l.jun?ref=tn_tnmn

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Must-watched MOVIES!

Hello guys, even know I still got school tuition(luckily is just the first week.), I still am hoping to watch these must-see movies.I support you to watch these movies. 

1.Kung Fu Panda 2:This movie is FULL-AWESOME packed movie(even in 3D)!If you have not seen the first movie(Kung Fu Panda) buy the CD NOW(Ok..... not literally)!http://kungfupandaworld.com/ and http://www.kungfupanda.com/(Look the sneak peek here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIW5oo-8NYw)

2.Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides: This movie is the fourth of "Pirates of the Carribean".If you haven't seen the last three movies(Pirates of the Carribean, Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End), go buy the CD(Just before you watch the movie, but don't be too long, because the movie may end.... soon).OH..... I forgot.... this movie is a thrilling 3D adventure is about going through the Fountain of ........(the rest... you figure out by watching it!)http://piratesonline.go.com/welcome and http://disney.go.com/pirates/(Look here first:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR_9A-cUEJc) and http://www.youtube.com/user/disneypirates

3.Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Rodrick Rules:This movie is(also a good book) a funny cool "wimpily" story.Watch the trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbqqYuG1TCM .Also the site of the Wimpy Kid Books:http://www.wimpykid.com/ and http://www.wimpykidclub.co.uk/(Be a FAN!)

4.Super 8: This IS THE GREATEST MOVIE!!! I dare you to watch it three times!(Don't take this dare too seriously....) This thrilling movie is about a group of kids, making a movie, one night, they made the movie in a train station for the train to be the background, then the train crashed......( To continue the story WATCH IT!)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCRQQCKS7go( Warning: The movie is DAMN LOUD~)


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